Tanks for Your Toughest Weather Conditions
With unpredictable environmental temperament on the rise, choose a tank you can trust to withstand strong winds, freezing temperatures, and more.
What’s the Best Storage Tank for Your Region?
With our Environmental white paper collection, you can find the best tank for your region’s climate conditions. From withstanding strong winds and seismic activity to temperature regulation and UV protection, our storage tanks can withstand even the toughest conditions. Get access to our white paper collection below to find the exact storage solution for your weather challenges.
How does weather impact storage tanks?
Snow and Ice
Extreme cold can cause stress on roof loads. Continuous amounts of heavy snow can cause stress on the roof and walls of storage tanks, which causes them to weaken over time. Assmann Uniform Wall Tanks stand stronger than thin-walled, Tapered Tanks. For those who live through heavy winters, Assmann tanks will stand up stronger than the competition.
Hot Climates
Plastic tanks are prone to UV degradation, especially in hot climates. Because we make our tanks with uniform wall thickness, Assmann tanks are prepared to last longer, despite hot weather conditions. As well, we offer insulation for heat management, ideal for those living in states with hot weather all year round.
For areas prone to high winds, extra stability is necessary. Assmann tie-downs and restraints help keep tanks upright and in place.
Earthquakes can have significant impact on storage tanks. At Assmann, we have a variety of tank accessories to implement extra stability, ensuring that each storage tank can stay securely in place, despite seismic weather conditions.
Access the Whitepaper Collection
Ready to learn more? Explore our specific offerings that make Assmann tanks withstand extreme weather conditions by reading our Environmental White paper collection.
UV Effects on Polyethylene Tanks
All polyethylene is vulnerable to degradation upon long-term exposure to sunlight. Learn how Assmann double-wall tanks act as a long-term storage solution, withstanding inevitable sun damage longer than the competition.
Seismic and Wind Load Restraint Systems
At Assmann, we offer two types of restraint systems for our polyethylene chemical storage tanks. Read our whitepaper below to find out which solution is right for you.
Uniform Wall Thickness vs Tapered Wall Thickness
Learn the benefits of having a storage tank with uniform wall thickness. It’s one of the many reasons that Assmann tanks last longer than the competition.
Life expectancy of a Polyethylene Storage Tank
Learn the major factors that impact the lifespan of polyethylene storage tanks, and how Assmann tanks and accessories can help your tanks last longer.
Rugged Tanks for Faster Storm Response
The Maine Department of Transportation approached Assmann with a need for a storage solution that was weather-resistant and livable outdoors. Learn what made an Assmann storage tank the right solution for the job.
Accessories for Environmental Conditions
Heat Tracing & Insulation
Every plastic Assmann storage tank is available with a tank heating system to regulate and maintain specific temperatures. Heat tracing and insulation are available for vertical tanks from 300 to 12,000 gallons capacity, conical bottom tanks from 1,575 to 4,200 gallons and horizontal cylindrical tanks from 500 to 2,500 gallons.
Restraints & Tie-Down Systems
Whether you want to buy tie-downs for your current Assmann tanks, or install them on your next one, we encourage customers who live in seismic or high wind areas to utilize tank restraints. Tie-down systems protect your tanks during transportation and weather events. We offer passive restraint assemblies and tie-down assemblies for our clients to apply to their tank systems.